Blockchain WFMS Demo

Interorganizational business processes are rapidly becoming the norm in many industries. At the same time, business partners are often in a state of ''coopetition'', or competitive cooperation. To support execution of business processes in this context requires distributed workflow management systems that can provide security, integrity, and verifiability of workflow states. Blockchain technology provides a suitable infrastructure. Existing blockchain based workflow management systems are built on expensive, inefficient, public proof-of-work blockchains. In contrast, we believe that small-scale, efficient, private blockchains deployed for a particular workflow application are more appropriate in stable coopetition contexts with up to a few dozen well defined partners. On this page, we present a prototype workflow management system that is built on state machine replication for Byzantine fault tolerant systems. See the paper and tutorial document for details on how to use.  

Below are video tutorials on how to use the prototype workflow management system on BFT/SMART based blockchains.


BlockchainWFMS Demo Video was created by Joerg Evermann in 2019 who retains the copyright.


This short video shows how to configure the system.

BlockchainWFMS Configuration Video was created by Joerg Evermann in 2019 who retains the copyright.